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The food you choose will determine
the future of land

Global warming and food waste are leading to the most severe food crisis that the world has ever faced.
According to reports from the United Nations, the major cause of accelerated global warming is human activities. Over the past century, mankind has placed greater value on economic development and sacrificed our land.
Over-development has resulted in the depletion of resources and serious environmental pollution has become a threat to the survival of all species on Earth. Desertification is also threatening human existence. Farmlands are being exploited to no end; their resources being consumed endlessly just to increase production; large amounts of chemical pesticides and fertilizers are also being used to increase production efficiency.
However, 1/3 of all harvested crops are discarded and wasted on the farmlands from which they grow. Inappropriate procurement measures and poor food consumption habits have resulted in 13 billion tons of food being wasted annually, which have forced us to increase food production in order to feed everyone. The increasingly barren farmlands are made to support even more crops and deplete themselves further; this vicious cycle causes the global food crisis to take a turn for the worse.
Food additives are threatening our health
Furthermore, due to rapid economic growth and development, food producers are also seeking higher economic returns for their products. Food processing has virtually become synonymous with the food industry. Chemical additives and artificial additives are omnipresent, and foods high in fat and sugar content are causing long-term health issues for consumers, which is forcing our society to increase social and medical funding. Many people do not even know what they are putting into their mouths. Unhealthy processed foods constitute a big threat to our health.
Excess - packaging and the abuse of plastics adds to the burden on our environment
According to the latest reports, humanity has produced 8.3 billion tons of plastics since the 1950s. Most of these plastics are now either buried under landfills or polluting our planet's land and seas.
The research project spearheaded by academic institutions in the US is the first-ever study of global plastic production figures. Researchers have discovered that, of the various types of man-made materials, the amount of plastics produced is always at the very top. The total weight of plastic produced is equal to the approximate weight of one billion elephants.
These plastics will remain in our environment for hundreds and even thousands of years, causing damage that is virtually permanent to the natural environment. Green activists have warned that the devastation caused by plastics on our environment is comparable to that of global warming. Plastics have started to enter our food chain.
In August 2016, a study carried out by Plymouth University found that 1/3 of UK's harvest from the sea, including cod, haddock, mackerel, and various kinds of shellfish, contained plastic. According to statistics provided by the Taiwan Ocean Cleanup Alliance (TOCA), plastics and paper bags have continued to remain near the top of the chart since 2010 as the top five types of trash found in our oceans.
“The food you choose will determine the future of land” movement in Taiwan
Faced with the major issues that profoundly affect the future of humanity, nations around the world are now placing equal importance on both economic development and environmental sustainability by putting a stop to pollution, reversing damage that has been done to our polluted lands, restoring the land to its original state, and seeking economic development strategies that minimize pollution as well as the impact on our environment.
Since 2015, Natural Tasty has been a leader in the "The food you choose will determine the future of land" campaign, which aims to increase consumer awareness in terms of their food choices. This is in line with the sustainable food philosophy promulgated by the United Nations. Through this movement, we aim to encourage consumer to participate in the food innovation of world by choosing healthy, safe and eco-friendly food, and taking daily action to protect the planet. We believe that, every single action will make big difference to the world.

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